Thursday 19 April 2012

Doner Kebab with Spicy Chili Sauce

Tonight on Carte Du Jour, we're reviewing a veritable taste explosion in the form of some local fare from a kebab house down the road. The chef regularly prepares food that could be compared to dishes encountered in Michelin-starred dining establishments, and tonight's offering is certainly no exception. We feasted on a doner kebab with spicy chili sauce, served in a lightly toasted pitta accompanied by a vegetable medley, twice-cooked chipped potatoes and breaded poultry wings. We will assess the individual components first, before discussing how they contribute to the overall merit of the dish. Review after the pic....

We will begin by discussing the virtues of the twice-cooked chipped potatoes. One can clearly see the chips are uniform in length even from the picture, and the size is certainly not unwieldy yet substantial enough to satisfy the most ardent chip lover. The surface area is perfect for optimal salt distribution, allowing for consistent flavour with every bite. The chips radiate a baked golden colour, yielding yet wanting to the touch. Tasting the chips is like a divine symphony composed out of potatoes. We will now move forward to the main event, the kebab.

We should start with a slight criticism- the pitta is slowly becoming a redundant medium for kebab meat consumption due to increases in portion size. The meat was incredibly tender with a peppery fragrance and lean with subtle hints of mystery. The chili sauce, which initially overpowered the palate, soon retreated to a comfortable radiation of warmth across the taste buds. Delving into the vegetable medley, we found it was crisp and fresh- a delightful contrast to the meat and chili sauce, rendering it a point of neutrality which can be used as a platform to dive into the true subtleties this dish can impart. 

Now, onto the breaded poultry wings with reserved haste. The chicken contained with the breaded lattice was succulent, moist and flavoursome- a true testament to the skill of the chef! The wings can only be described as spice fire crackers from heaven, created in a moment of culinary brilliance during periods of time where the morning mist hangs heavy in the air. 

Accompanying the meal was a 2012 Vintage Mountain Dew, made with genuine processed sugar cane and containing only the finest brominated vegetable oil. The excess carbonation cleansed the palette between mouthfuls, and the citrus tones cut through the heat from the chili sauce, adding an Asian flair to the proceedings. 

Overall, we were incredibly satisfied with this evening's dining experience, although we unanimously agreed that the servings were slightly excessive. The diversity of the menu offers many forays into the unknown, guided by the expert hand of the chef. We look forward to partaking in more of these expeditions in the future. 


Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends. This is Carte Du Jour, the culmination of minutes of planning on the part of two friends united through a mutual appreciation for fine dining and culinary experimentation. This blog is an opportunity for both of us to express our passion for the age-old pastime of good food, good company and good drink. We will now give you the chance to learn a bit about each of us, in the hope that this will help to humanise our perspectives further. Firstly, the brains (or at least he would like to think!) of the operation, Elliott Hamilton.

Elliott Hamilton: my first experience with food was disappointing to say the least. I remember fondly the cries of my mother as she tried to shovel pre-fabricated infant mush onto my fertile, developing palate. This was naturally met with disgust and projectile vomiting, and from that day onwards I knew my appreciation of food was much greater than that of the average peasant/rustic/provincial/caveman. Though my years on this Earth have been short, the culinary odyssey that I have chosen to embark upon has made me a better person, and better than you. Please enjoy my well-established, thought-provoking opinions on the one thing that still unites us with the beasts of yesteryear- FOOD!

Ben Simpson: The formative years of my existence were somewhat lacking with an appreciation of distinguished culinary exploits. It was only during the world tour of CPSE that I finally gained an insight into the eighth wonder of the world, sampling many types of street food and vastly expanding my understanding of the diverse and colourful flavours that are possible. During my tenure at this blog, I hope to pass on my ever ignited passion for diverse dishes, and perhaps even an iota of the extensive knowledge that I have gained will make its way into the hearts and minds of my readers. 

That's all we have to say in our first post. We hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it, and we'll catch you on the trail with food at our sides and a ravenous hunger burning through our souls.